Monday, May 25, 2009

Cinemanticipation 2009 (Part 1)

Hi everybody. I'm finally back. The semester is over, and I have given myself a long enough break that I can now look at my computer again without breaking out in hives. For my return posting I thought I would do something fun. I've been building a Word doc of anticipated films for the coming months, and I thought why not share it with you. This is not a particularly extensive list of upcoming film by any means, just a few flicks that I--for one reason or another--am interested in checking out this year. I'm sure there are a number of gems that have slipped my mind, and that's where all of you come in to play. Fill me in. I have to know what I'm missing, whether it's something I just forgot to include, or even better something I'm not yet familiar with. Please, share. So here it is, a nice list of anticipated films of 2009: Part 1 (listed in order of release date).


My first two films are both due out today, promising fun-filled-filmic weekend for me, along with a Godfather Double Feature Feast I have planned for Saturday. 

(Peter Docter & Bob Peterson): May 29

Up. Who isn't excited about this film. Pixar's latest installment, come on. They've been on a roll since their inception with few bumps along the way (I'm lookin' at you Cars and A Bugs Life). Without a doubt, the most consistent production company to ever grace the silver screen. And a story about a grumpy, yet adventurous old coot, with sidekick boy scout and talking dog (both of which have already made me laugh in the trailer, mind you), looks to be a promising picture, and no doubt will be a box office hit. 

The next film I am not as confident in, but am none the less interested in checking out. 

Drag Me To Hell 
(Sam Raimi): May 29

Sam Raimi's (Evil Dead trilogy, Spiderman trilogy) return to horror, is just something I can't pass up. Although the PG-13 rating is giving me something to fear beyond the narrative. Still, the trailer about a girl who trying to carve out a career for herself in the banking world who is cursed by a demon that she unwittingly denies a bank loan looks pretty good. It appears a bit more inclined toward scary than Raimi's Evil Dead series, something that as a horror fan I can really get into. I don't remember the last time I saw a truly scary film, and although I don't think this film will put much of a chink in my tough horror fan armor, anything that can get a single jolt out of me is a winner in my book.  


Away We Go 
(Sam Mendes): June 5

Film number three on my list is Sam Mendes' (American Beauty, Revolutionary Road) new film Away We Go. It looks to be a cute film about a hard-up couple with a little one on the way. I haven't checked out much specifics, but I do like that John Krasinski (Jim from The Office) and for some reason the trailer speaks to me. It looks like a film that will be more honest than hokie. And, at the very least it's a new Mendes picture, something of a rare treat seeing as he only directs a film about once every three years--that is until just recently. 

(Check out the trailer here.)


Public Enemies 
(Michael Mann): July 1

Michael Mann's Public Enemies kicks off my July selections. I'm not a huge Mann fan, but I am a huge Johnny Depp and to a lesser extent Christian Bale fan. In my opinion Mann's films tend to feel a bit detached. So, I don't know how he will fare with a classic gangster film, a film style that relies greatly on nostalgia and alluring characters. Nonetheless, the trailer looks great, and I love the gangsters. 

Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince 
(David Yates): July 15

The last film in my selection is the new Harry Potter installment, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I'm sure like many Harry Potter nerds I will be counting down the days with a Harry Potter marathon, introducing my girlfriend to the magic that is Harry Potter for the first time. Yes, she is the last person in the world holding out on this franchise, but I finally broke her down, and she agreed to sit down for the first five films in preparation for HP6. 

(Check out the trailer and website here.)

That's all everybody. Remember to write and fill me in on the films I have not listed here, cursing me for omitting your most anticipated films of 2009 from my extremely sparse selection list. 

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